GDG Wins Best in Animation at the Pasadena Chalk Festival!

You know, it really was a great experience this past weekend at the Pasadena Chalk Festival dispite the hot sun bearing down on us and the crouching down on the sidewalk. I really feel as if we inspired people to be creative, especially children, which is odd considering GirlsDrawinGirls is coming out with a pin up book next month. The chalk piece itself was very G Rated and depicted our logo girl, "Gigi" in various seasonal backdrops from Spring to Winter.
At the end of the 2 day festival, all 8 gals taking part in this event won the award for "Best in Animation" taking with us free movie passes, free cold stone ice cream, free dinner and live mariache show at a new restaurant in Pasadena, and the most exciting of all, we all won 8 free plane tickets to anywhere jet blue flies. They fly to The Bahamas, so we are all planning a GirlsDrawinGirls trip next February for the 8 of us... WOOO!
All that work in the hot sun definitely paid off. It felt good to be a part of the community and to donate artwork for charity at auction. We even had a little girl draw us fan art!
All in all a wonderful weekend... more about it on